Filled another trash bin (no. 6) with reference materials this morning. Saved a handful of things, including a photo of Little Casino:

Little Casino (Billy the Kid): inscription says, "To Bob—Thanks for all the great novels you have written about me. Your faithful servant. Little Casino"
I also couldn't bring myself to throw away a Montgomery Ward page of 1950s bikes, my two fave waitresses at El Sarape in Quemado, New Mexico (Irene and Terri), a ref. photo of me posing as 2-Lane (a comic book character I created in the 80s) and a hand drawn map of the Tunstall murder site (drawn by Fred Nolan?).

Here is a better scan of the Tunstall murder site map:

I realized upon finding this treasure of map that we haven't done the Tunstall murder as a Classic Gunfight. So, I'm going to send this to Gus Walker and get this in the mix. Hard work throwing away all these treasures, but I just want to save my kin from having to deal with as little of my crap as i can manage.
"Set up as an ideal the facing of reality as honestly and as cheerfully as possible."
—Karl Menninger