One of our contributors dropped out of the Fountain feature this morning which left a gaping hole in our coverage. In addition to the two other paintings I did in the morning, I went home to meet the TV installer and while I was there I whipped out a third painting:

Daily Whipout, "Storm Is Ah Comin'"
Although three suspects are always mentioned in the Fountain case—Oliver Lee, Bill McNew and James Gililland—there were likely more participants. We know that two other cowboys were seen trailing the Fountains from Lincoln to Tularosa and, according to the contributor who dropped out this morning, the Pinkerton reports show seven different horse tracks around the abandoned buggy. It would make sense that Lee would seek support from his neighbors and friends to stop what he viewed as a corrupt official who was bent on sending them all to the pen for ten years.
Here we see Lee, on his white horse, sending his riders out to their posts as a huge storm rolls in.
"Guitars will play your grand finale, down in some Tularosa alley. . ."
—Bob Dylan, "Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid" soundtrack