True West landed on the front page of the Tombstone Epitaph yesterday. Good article by Carlos Herrera on The Town Too Tough to Die finally making our Top Ten Towns list. Top head: "About Dang Time!" Ha.
Dan The Man and I attended a couple of bizarre meetings today. One of them twice. Drove down into the Beast and landed at Channel 8 but we were told our meeting had been cancelled because our host was out sick. Had a meeting with another producer, left, got two blocks away and got a call from the original host asking us where we were. Went back and had a second meeting which was quite daunting. Learned about all the things we can't do without licensing and releases (from family movies taken in 1962!). That was discouraging.
Went to lunch at Gallo Blanco and retrenched. Came home and did some new sketches based on the meeting and specs from publisher:

That resulted in these sketches. And this:

Not there, but getting closer. Four cover comps due on Friday. I had a plan but it evaporated. Gee, I wonder what respected documentarian Ms. Baichwal has to say about that?
"Have a plan, but be ready to abandon it at any moment."
—Jennifer Baichwal