Working late tonight. Talking to Stuart Rosebrook about assignments in March. He is all over it. We're on a roll. The big Fountain-Garrett assassination package (12 pages!) went to the printer this morning. Final corrections that is. The rest of the magazine went out last Thursday.
So I have been trying to find photo reference for Floyd Cisney's Arizona Highway Patrol car which he drove in the late fifties. I remember that it was white and had unique side symbols but I have not been able to find anything even close. Well, yesterday, Robert Dell of Kingman posted some screen captures from "Edge of Eternity" a 1959 film which is a time capsule of Mohave County life and style. And there it is—Floyd Cisney's ACTUAL car pulling up to Pierce Ferry and if I remember correctly Floyd himself gets out.

Floyd Cisney and the Mohave County Sheriff's Office Head for A Swim
Also working on night neon and night drivers and Mo-ped Mamas, a concept Dan and I came up with way back in the 1970s. In fact we filmed a bit for Channel 5 and one of the Mamas was Kathy Radina, before we were an item. Somewhere I have the footage of that and we need it for the doc.
And speaking of the Razz, one of my favorite articles we did, was a parody of a 1940s style Arizona Highways feature on Arizona towns. They were always slightly racist (The Kingman Fire Department Is Never Niggardly With Their Equipment!) and they always, always treated the areas they covered with a vapid style boosterism (This beautiful area is know for the Four Cs: Copper, Cattle, Citrus and Cabbage!). Well, having grown up in Kingman, Dan and I knew you could make a good case for another kind of unique benefit of the area, and so we came up with this honest attribution:

Where Teens Puke On Their Shoes
And here's my Mo-ped Mama notes and night drivers sketches:

And speaking of Mamas, here's one of the. . .
Sixty-Six Sick Chix

"The story is the first thing and the last thing."
—Norman Rockwell