After our Nogales run to find the best Mexican food in the world (Asadero La Salida in Nogales, Sonora and El Zarape in Nogales, Arizona), we motored up to Tucson to take in the number one college basketball team in the nation. After landing at the Big Blue House B&B at 6th Avenue and University, we walked down to campus to get our tickets upgraded. While we were standing in line, out came these dudes.

That's Matt Korcheck, Brandon Ashley and Jordin Mayes with T. Charles outside the McKale Center ticket window. They crushed T's alma mater, NAU five hours later: 77-44.
A couple minutes later out comes one of U of A's biggest stars:

T. Bell and Nick "Bunnies" Johnson (he hops so much and so high)
And lo and behold, a couple minutes later, out comes Gabe York and that other guy:

Gabe York, T. Charles and T.J. McConnell
And here's the tip off five hours later inside McKale Center:

We had nosebleed seats, but the box office called us and said if we came by the gym before the game they'd upgrade us for no extra charger, so we ended up here about six rows from the floor. Of course I have some very superstitious classmates and most of us feel like we will jinx the Cats if we watch the game, like this guy:
"The Wildcats will win if I don't watch the last quarter."