Got up this morning and bailed into a painting of Chalk Hill. Had good photo reference from Corey Recko's new book cover, plus I discovered something on a recent painting where I did a gravel road and rather than leaning towards white, I let it go a muddy gray. Really popped the gravel effect. Grabbed that framed painting and put it on my desk for inspiration, as well:

Daily Whipout, "Chalk Hill Without the Fountains or Wagon"
Got some good tips on buckboards off this site (thanks guys!) and put in the Fountains traversing the top of Chalk Hill:

Daily Whipout, "Topping Chalk Hill: By the Time Fountain Saw The Riders It Was Too Late"
Going home for lunch to whip out the climatic scene. Wish me luck.
"Hey, good luck."
—BBB Muse and BF Bugs