Worked most of the afternoon on a painting for our Pat Garrett splash page. Didn't fall. Hope to finish in the morning.
When we flew home from Pasadena on Friday, I got a good view of Burbank and Universal City.

That's downtown LA, just to the left of the second, red tank deal. I'm reading a good biography on Norman Rockwell, so I settled in to read that. About a half hour later I glanced out the window and saw a familiar sight:

Yes, those are the Cerbats, north of Kingman. That's the old Duval Mine, middle left, and Red Lake, way up at the right. Brenda and Kevin Stockbridge live down there in that gaggle of houses at bottom, right. I believe that's Felspar Butte with the long pointed shadow, at middle, bottom. Not sure why, but I always seem to end up here. Gee, I wonder how that relates to "The 66 Kid"?
"If it doesn't need to start at a certain place and end at a certain place, then it might not be a movie."
—Andrew Bujalski