Without further ado, here is a link to the TV appearance last Saturday on Channel 3:
BBB On Channel 3
Notice how groovy the retractable pop-up banner looks between us. Really dressed up the scene. My only regret is when he asked me if I was doing anything on the book "today or tomorrow." I should have said, "I will be in the parking lot of the True West World Headquarters tomorrow afternoon from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. selling 'The 66 Kid' out of the back of my Ford Flex. The first ten people who drop by get the book for $5." But, alas, he caught me off guard and, instead, I said, "No." Duoh!
Speaking of the old days and ways, and not getting them back, here is an old New Times doubletruck I am rather proud of:

Phoenix Scenes, page 1

Phoenix Scenes, Page 2
Got up this morning and whipped out a couple sketches for a doubletruck in the December issue of True West:

Holiday Gift Guide skethes
Went home for lunch and bailed into a painting of this idea, but didn't get far. I forgot I had an appointment with two Cave Creek school girls who are doing a video on the history of Cave Creek. Drove back to the office and filmed a segment with them. Very professional young women:

Emily, BBB and Sage on the set
"We’ve all lied to each other all day long in business and we’ve all had these lunches and we’ve all ass-kissed to the point where I carry Chapstick. If I am going to sit down and eat with you, just tell me the truth and let me say to you, ‘Things are lousy and I’m sad.’ ”
—Joan Rivers