More rain last night. Found out this morning I've got a damn pack rat in my engine compartment of the Flex. Started it yesterday and it loped along up the road and the engine light came on. Had Eric from 24-Hour-Car-Care come out this morning and he confirmed my worst fear.

Ratcliff Ridge at 9 a.m. this morning
Found this news clipping from 1988 which documents our drive-up request line when I was on KSLX. I would go outside the studio, across the street from Fashion Square and motorists would drive up and request their favorite song and I would interview them. A fun bit. Hard to believe that was 26 years ago.

The Jones, Boze & Jeanne morning show doing the Drive-up Window routine outside the Safari Resort in Scottsdale.
"Don't work so safe, don't be afraid to bomb. . .just talk. Let me know how you feel about things. What it's like to be a father, what it's like to be married, how you feel about politics—put you in your materail. Leave a tip."
—Jack Rollins give his advice to Billy Crystal in "Still Foolin' 'Em"