On April 27, 1874, Mickey Free rode into Camp Apache with the bloody severed head of the renegade warrior Pedro hanging from his saddle.
Daily Whip Out: "The Headhunter"
It would not be the last head he delivered to the military authorities who paid a bounty for the grizzly trophies which they then placed on poles on the parade ground.
Daily Whip Out: "Mickey Free Delivers Another Head to San Carlos"
The seeds of this conflict were laid, long before in the mountains to the east of Arivaipa Canyon.
Daily Whip Out: "The Pinecone Quest"
A woman called Beauty would figure prominently in the forthcoming showdown between two former friends.
Daily Whip Out: "She Stood In The Clearing And Waited for Him"
And of all the not-so-innocent bystanders, it was the former slave, Jim Young, who had to bear witness to the bloody showdown between them.
Daily Whip Out: " Jim Young Endures A Boatload of Angst"
Did he understand the word "angst." Probably not. But he could spot futility at 500 rods.
Daily Whip Out: "Mickey Slithers Up A Side Canyon In The Moonlight"
At the end of the trek, one man returned with the goods and it changed the history of the Southwest.
Daily Whip Out: "Mickey Returns With The Goods."
Daily Whip Out: "Mickey's Big Bad Jack"
Where is all this going? Wish I knew.
Rough draft of title page
"El mundo es un panuelo."
—Old Vaquero Saying (The world is a handkerchief)
I can't wait for this book.....