Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Another Kid Krazy Shirt From a Kid Krazy Friend

March 6, 2019
   Just got this great photo of an anchor-imprinted, bibbed-front shirt, from author and Kid Krazy friend Mark Lee Gardner. 

    This is very similar to the one Billy the Kid is wearing in his only known photo. I especially like the stars on the collar.

Anchors Away!

Gardner Weighs In
   "I just think it's fun when these anchor motifs turn up in nineteenth-century portraits, and that doesn't happen often.  I also find it interesting that both the Kid and this unknown individual don't make any effort to show off the shirt.  If I had a fancy embroidered shirt like this, I sure wouldn't have anything covering it up, especially when I get my image made.  Just like if you get a pair of cowboy boots with super fancy stitching on the tops, you're dang sure going to tuck your pants in."
—Mark Lee Gardner

   Speak for yourself city boy. Where I grew up—Mohave County—you were considered a total DUDE if you dared tuck your pants into your boots. I can show you pictures of me with my pants tucked in to my boots but I have to say I felt mighty nervous doing it and I must add, I was NOT in Mohave County when I did it.

BBB tucked In Boots, at Rio Rico, AZ

"I can see by your boots you are light in the loafers."
—Old Kingman Saying


  1. Lee Van Cleef was the only "dude" who looked good with his pants tucked into his boots. :)

  2. Bob, when we met you in Scottsdale you had your pants tucked into your boots.

    Weren't they red?


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