Getting up to 110 today. Yesterday, when I was driving home from the office the entire town looked deserted. Nobody out on the streets or in the cafes or even at the post office. Too hot. Kind of liked it. It keeps the riff raff out.
It gives me great pleasure to announce the promotion of our Managing Editor, Meghan Saar, to Editor of True West magazine. Meghan has worked here almost eight years as managing editor and in that time she has impressed everyone with her passion for excellence and especially her inspiring work ethic. Please join me in applauding her elevation to a major leadership role in our company.
Escalante's Elbow
In Escalante, Utah I met a dog named Elbow. Actually, "met" is too strong since the lazy lug never woke up the entire time I was there with Ed Mell eating a veggie green chile burger made for us by a pretty cook named Ellie:

"A man is what he thinks about all day long."
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
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