Monday, June 07, 2010

June 7, 2010
Back in the office, returning calls and catching up on the next issue (Digging Up Billy the Kid). Worked on the big cover painting yesterday. Still several days out. Very ambitious.

Just got off the phone with Dale Miles, the official historian of the San Carlos Apache Tribe. He had bone cancer but is recovering and is speaking on Geronimo at the Tucson Historical Society this Friday. His voice sounded good. Dale was quite helpful in our research on Mickey Free and the Apache Kid.

A friend of mine is working on the film Cowboys And Aliens which begins filming next week in New Mexico. Going to be a big one.

News From The Front Lines
"Your May Issue with Sonny Jim on the front cover was the talk of the town while sitting at Gallup's Famous Earl's Restaurant at the counter eating my usual, recently. I sat next to Southwest Photgrapher Gary L Langston whom knew Sonny and sent in the original story to BBB. Owner Ralph Richards comes over to look at the best cover all year and mentions that Sonny Jim would come in on Saturdays and sit in that Corner. Thank you for recognizing a Modern Native American Legend."
—TT Hagaman

Lots of reflection in Mexico on my work and what it all means. Gee, I wonder what ol' Bertrand has to say about this?

"Continuity of purpose is one of the most essential ingrdients of happiness in the long run, and for most men this comes chiefly through their work."
—Bertrand Russell

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