Tuesday, June 08, 2010

June 8, 2010
Finished taping seven segments of Classic Gunfights for the Outdoor Channel at about three this afternoon. We filmed them all at my house. They're coming back in the morning to do a half dozen more. No teleprompter this time, just chatted, off the cuff, like I do here. Ha.

Speaking of great TV producers, Jeff Hildebrandt has joined the blogosphere and you can follow him and his righteous cowboy poetry right here.

Got our office copies of the July issue. I think Jim Hatzell is going to be a very happy cowboy (don't tell him, but his photo is on the cover).

I'm reading about the launch of Life magazine in "The Publisher: Henry Luce And His American Century." Amazing story. The mag was too popular! They lost money for the longest time because they couldn't control the circ and the prnting. As a test they sent 450 issues to a small town back east and they sold out, so they upped the draw to 1,000 and it sold out, then 2,000 and it sold out. They sent 4,000 issues and it sold out! I told this to Trish Brink and she quipped, "I don't think this is a book you should be reading right now."

Ha. Wonder what ol' Geoff has to say about all this?

"Few things look as unstable as the rock-solid certainties of previous ages."
—Geoff Nicholson

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