Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Siege of The Alamo: Day 99,930

November 28, 2018
   We are all hard at work at the True West World Headquarters today. We want to follow up on a recent, positive development at the Alamo. It appears there may be a possible solution to a controversy that has dogged the historic site for a very long time. 

   A new plan has been approved, championed by a friend of ours, Gary Foreman. Good things are happening there but the challenge for us is, how do we sell this on the cover in a new way?

   In the past, we have done Alamo covers like this:

True West Alamo covers, 1950s

   And, ten years ago we did this cover:

   So, the trick is how do we sell this once again to a very fickle newsstand buyer? Here is Dan The Man's first pass at it:

   This cover has potential but it has two problems: that is Fess Parker as Davy Crockett floating over the Alamo and Disney is real territorial about rights usage; and two, it just seems flat to me and doesn't say controversy, or what the current situation is. 

   This morning I whipped up my version of Davy to marry to the Alamo shrine facade:

Daily Whip Out: "Crockett In Red"

   This garnered a one sentence reply from The Top Secret Writer: "Nope."

   The cranky bastard then suggested doing a parody of the fight, only this time, instead of Santa Anna's troops attacking, we have architects, politicos, angry picketers and bureaucrats scrambling up the ramparts. 

Daily Whip Out: "They Crossed A Line"

      Not much support for this concept in the office. We'll ultimately get it, but this is a tough one. I feel we've got to catch the wave of current events to a degree. With these roughs in mind, perhaps:

The Siege of The Alamo: Day 99,930
Who cares about the fate of the Alamo?
A Whole Bunch of People Who Can't Agree.

"Sorry I'm so cranky, I'm in my terrible sixties right now."
—Old College Professor Saying

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