Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Two Words Men Do Not Like to Hear

 April 14, 2021

   Here's two words in the English language I do not care for:

Castration Aftercare

   This is the title of a pamphlet we received to care for a male in the family who just had his balls snipped. (Sorry ladies, not me.)

Last photo of Uno with balls

    Harry Randolph posted this cool, old photograph of Paradise Valley, Arizona.

  From the March 12, 1956 issue of LIFE magazine, in an article entitled, "Sands of Desert Turn Gold, Southwest's Boom Enriches Scottsdale."

Location, Location, Speculation

   The above scene takes me back. Around this same time, my family drove down to Phoenix, from Kingman, and we visited with relatives who had moved there. On Sunday, after church, we visited an Open House just beyond the dark horse's head, at East McDonald Drive, just east of Tatum, where someone had built three, spec, state-of-the-art rambling ranch houses. We walked thru them and when we came out, someone asked my dad what he thought of them and he said, "They're great, if you've got $30,000."

"Buy low, sell high."

—Old Vaquero Saying

This picture is from te March 12, 1956 issue of LIFE magazine, and the article is entitled, “Sands of Desert Turn Gold, Southwest’s Boom Enriches Scottsdale.”

Thanks Tom Dr

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