Saturday, August 22, 2020

Trailing Billy the Kid Revisited

 August 22, 2020

    I am deep into BTKIII (Billy the Kid III). This time around I am going to document my time on the trail tracking the Kid for the past 30 years, and this morning, via a Zoom call (we actually use Pulse), I asked my production manager, Robert Ray if he could find the road trip article I did for the shortly lived Old West Journal from the summer of 2000 (twenty flippin' years ago!). Not only did he find it, but here is a screenshot of the opening spread. When I saw it, I said out loud, "Damn, is that Buckeye Blake?" 

   Yes, that is a Buckeye Blake painting of the Kid slammin' and jammin' across New Mexico. The article is interesting on a couple levels.

   For one thing, I cannot believe how much artwork I have done, that I almost can't remember doing, it's been so long ago.

Daily Whip Out: "The Country Jake"

  And, then there this wedding portrait:

"The Newlyweds: Alexander
and Susan McSween"

   And the article documents some pretty ambitious—and dangerous—memories of me traipsing around Anton Chico. I actually witnessed a dead horse being dragged down the main street and I lived to tell about it!

   That photo and that story tomorrow. 

"Holy crap! You did what?!"

—John Boessenecker, ex-cop and current friend, on hearing what I had done

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