Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Jesse On The Lam & Wyatt Earp in Babylon

 December 28, 2022

   Been on the road, but now I'm back to Jesse James and how he might have looked in his final disguise.

Daily Whip Out: "The Frame Straightener"

Daily Whip Out:

"Jesse Amongst The Weasels"

Daily Whip Outs:

"Jesse James On The Lam"

   Or, he may have looked more like this.

Daily Whip Out: "Blue Eyes In Disguise"

   Bright blue eyes, hidden under a black hat and a big, full, dark beard (died dark brown to hide his light, reddish hair). It worked for awhile, but it's hard to find good help.

"Saw Babylon on Christmas day and loved it. Contains a funny reference to Wyatt Earp."
—Mark Lee Gardner

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