Rather quiet in the office. Robert Ray and Meghan Saar are on vacation. At noon, Carole Glenn and I went to lunch at Saba's Greek Restaurant up in Carefree. We both had the chicken on the green salad and iced tea. I bought ($33-something, plus $6 tip, cash).
A patron of the arts just dropped in and bought one of my Wild Bill HIckok paintings for a Christmas present. Gave her a deal (I like her husband): $600. It's the full page image of Wild Bill and Dave Tutt, who's holding the infamous watch), CGI, page 115.
Moving closer to a decent style for the Top Secret Project. Inspired by our trip to Prescott to push my game a bit. Saw a jewelry ad with a funky border in the paper last week and emulated that thick style (middle, right). Works pretty cool.

I'm starting to create a world and I hope you can see it take shape. Not easy. I've learned quite a bit recently from Will Eisner, Scott McCloud and Robert KcKee, that scene is character. So true. Even though these scenes are not connected by narrative, they begin to convey emotion and character no matter how random they are. Amazing.
Kathy and I watched Lina Wertmuller's Swept Away (1974) last night. I ordered it from Netflix because I wanted to see the turn that the lovers make. It's about a shipwreck that lands a fiery upper-class Italian woman and her yacht hand on a deserted island, where the absence of other distractions leads to heated discussion about politics, race and gender. And don't forget wild, deserted island sex. I remembered it was quite dramatic and it still is, but oh my, did Giancarolo Giannini beat the crap out of Mariangela Melato. I didn't remember it being that brutal and I can't imagine someone even approaching that level of violence towards women today. In fact, I want to rent the recent Madonna remake version to see how she got around this. Or, I should say, tried to get around it. I've heard nothing but bad things about the movie, but still, sometimes you learn more from bad movies than good ones.
"I never exaggerate. I just remember big." (in bed)
—Chi Chi Rodriguez
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