Spent the afternoon cleaning off my desk and answering mail. Found things I have been looking for the past two weeks. Ha. Really raining now. A steady pour for the past two hours.
Just Robert Ray and I left in the office (4:45 P.M.). He's stressed. Had a good talk with him about deadlines and all the extra projects he has to handle: January issue (out the door in two weeks), new website (going up next Wednesday), my power point presentation at the SASS Convention in Vegas (I'm leaving next Thursday), True West Preservation Society brochure (goes to printer this afternoon), Mickey Free skyscraper ad on new website (due Monday). And, of course, tomorrow night is the True West Christmas party at the Brinks. Robert is bringing his famous margaritas and I'm bringing the rest of the drinks.
Speaking of Robert Ray, his wife's best friend has a sister who is a best-selling author. Today she sent this unsolicited review of our magazine:
"A VERY belated but very heartfelt thanks for the issues of True West that you left at Lenore's house. I lapped them up while I was flying home, and found them quite entertaining (and this comes from someone with little interest in that time in history, and in guns). The magazines are beautiful, classy, wide-ranging, engaging, and full of life. I also loved how humorous many of the articles were, and the way they were written for everyone from the serious old-time history buff to young ranch hands. The whole thing was enormously appealing, and I can easily imagine your circulation climbing if you keep up the new level of marketing, as well as, perhaps, trying additional venues. It was so NOT the stodgy, dusty publication that one might imagine, but instead a magazine that feels really in keeping with our times, and anyone who sees even a single copy, like in a doctor's office, will recognize that. A lot of fun all around.
"Knowing that our stepfather reads westerns, I sent them on to him when I was done. My hope is that he'll be so enchanted that he'll become a subscriber, because I have a feeling that he'll enjoy every page."
—Rachel Simon, Author of Riding The Bus With My Sister
Perplex The Marshall?
We get some really crazy questions, sometimes, like this one: "Did any Indians in the Old West ever try and save a herd of Buffalo from extinction, like the white men did?"
That's sort of like asking, "Did the Japanese ever try and clean up Hiroshima like the Americans did?"

"A fanatic is one who cannot change his mind and will not change the subject."
—Old Vaquero Saying
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