June 24, 2014
Today is Weston Allen Bortscheller's actual one-year-B-day. Last Saturday, at a special birthday party, at our house I gifted him a custom made hat from Eric Watson's Hat Shop in Cave Creek, Arizona.

G-Paw and G-Son yuck it up
Today, after work, I dropped into Eric Watson's to get the hat stretched a half size. It was a little snug on the kid's noggin'. Measured it at 19 inches and Eric said this one is a smidge over 18 inches so it was not a big deal to expand with steam and the proper tools.
Spent a good part of my day working on a new Billy the Kid find. Also found time to work on a promotional video Ken A. and I are working on for the Kingman Film Festival and the release of my book "The 66 Kid." Got some great, old footage, need to add some rippin' tunes (hint: Hans Olson) and we'll be set.
I love doing these book projects and the promotional aspects of it as well. Gee, I wonder what my chances are to sell a few books and make my money back?
"Most books lose money and are quickly forgotten by all but their wounded authors."
—Tony Horwitz, author of "Confederates in the Attic"