I spent three hours in the garage this morning trying to get a handle on the mess and the treasures piled there. Got too hot at about nine and had to quit. Still can't get to the back but I'm working on it.
Random Rogues From The BBB Archives:

This is Arizona's Official Historian, Marshall Trimble, who writes "Ask The Marshall" for True West magazine. Photo taken in Oklahoma (Pawnee?) in 1988 on an outlaw tour led by Bob McCubbin. Marshall loved the sign and asked me to take a photo of him in front of it.

Kingman Cowboy Bud Linn, who is married to my Aunt Jean. Photo circa 1976. Great guy, they moved to Fort Sumner, New Mexico where they both still farm and have fun.

Chuck Wagon and the Wheels in front of the same packing plant wall Honkytonk Sue posed in front of, in Tucson, circa 1980. Excellent Country Rock band from the Old Pueblo. Still playing, I believe.

Richard Ignarski sitting on Bill Doolin's grave, circa 1998. Taken on the same outlaw tour that the Trimble photo came from. Richard is opening a gunfighter museum in Tombstone.

Tate Wilford at Festival of the West, circa 2003. Great look and mustache. Classic.
"One man's trash is another man's trashy treasure."
—Old Vaquero Saying