Yesterday, I found a failed board in the garage and thought I might be able to make something out of it:

The Kid Lays On His Back In The Moonlight And Strangles On His Own Blood
I also found an old full page version of Honkytonk Sue that ran in the New Times:

Honkytonk Sue Doesn't Do Windows, New Times July 26, 1991
Got up this morning and whipped out a little Duke of Dust painting. I let it go where it wanted to go (started with the dusty head and noodled shapes until it started to reveal who was in that cloud of dust).

Daily Whipout, "The Border Crossers: gouache, 9" X 12"
Need to finish The 66 Kid video in the next two weeks. Working on narration today. Fretting about the ending, but it will be fine. Why?
"There are no happy endings, or endings at all; everything is in constant movement."
—Pico Iyer