In the seventies I was smitten by the work of S. Clay Wilson, an underground cartoonist famous for his Zap installments of "Hog Riding Fools," which allegedly stunned and humbled R. Crumb into being bolder in his subject manner. What I dug about the "Hog Riding Fools" was the funky road trip aspects and tried to emulate it in my Razz cartoons. Here is an example:

The Carkid Meets The Doper Roper, in The Razz Revue, circa 1974.
This was a period when I drew the cartoons in half tone but only penciled in the type so it could be layed in later as a lineshot. It was cumbersome but I was full of enthusiasm for the form. Here's another page:

Cornhead Drops A Clue In The Doper Roper, circa 1975
"Heiffer Dust!"
—Granthum P. Hooker