Sunday, October 15, 2017

Oh, The Mess I Have Made!

October 14, 2017
   Last full day to work on the book. It never gets easier. So far, I've done a dozen, but finishing a book is always difficult. All the last minute changes, trying to squeeze in all the things I forgot to put in, trying to edit out all the mistakes I thought were already taken out.

   It's a booger, I tell you. My neighbor, Tom Augherton, just came up the hill and caught me in my typical royal, serene, total confidence mode.

The mess I have created.

   But, like child birth, the misery will soon fade and the next book idea will loom ahead like a sensuous dream.

"If it wasn't for deadlines, nothing would get done."

—Every graphic artist, copy editor and show runner that ever lived


  1. Whether or not the f-word and other discriptive expletives were spoken in public in 1870's Deadwood is irrelevant to the more important controversy regarding fowl language. David Milsch perceived he had an open hand to throttle the English language based on his own research of old time cursing habits. Yet, the underlying motive was far more than historical accuracy. He did it for his own sense of intellectual superiority and in what the then current TV market would bear in the utilization of language offensive to ordinary viewers, especially viewers with a long habit (and love) of following historical dramas, particularly Western dramas. His hubris knew no limits in the slapping the face of decent viewers for no other reason than his inflated east coast/west coast mentality, plus his own aggrandizement and self-centered pleasure. This is especially proven by the fact that no series TV to date has been as flagrant to the public sensibility when it comes to potty-mouth dialogue.

    Or am I wrong?

  2. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I have used words in my life that probably were never spoken and I am sure I could make a sailor blush, but I got so numbed by the language in Deadwood that I could hardly watch it.


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