May 15, 2018
We live or die by our success on the newsstand.
Sky Harbor Airport Newsstand
Last Friday, Ken Amorosano and I flew to Albuquerque and as we headed for the gate I had to check out all the newsstands. I always study the layouts and placement. What pops out in a crowded field, or, more importantly, what gets lost? For me, the Fast Company cover (actually two) is the first thing I see, above, with the Rolling Stone cover a strong second. Almost everything else gets lost in too many graphics, wall-to-wall color and muddled ideas. And, of course the most painful aspect of this is that we are not even represented.
So, it gives me some solace when we get special treatment, at places like this:
Special Treatment
This is the Buffalo Bill Museum Gift Shop in Cody, Wyoming where we have our own special rack, all by our selves!
Thanks to John Langellier (who wrote the Grant cover story in the rack) for sending this along. John also tells me the Wild Bill issue is all but sold out. This makes me very happy.
"Location, location, location."
—Old Real Estate Advice
That Wild Bill cover was _powerful_!